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The Future of Distributed Computing with BlockChain Technology

We truly live in very exciting times…. For those who are into tech and never heard of Ethereum and/or what it can be used for, info below will blow your mind. With the invention of the  blockchain ,  Bitcoin  is born.  The first one and the hottest cryptocurrency now in history. Truly revolutionizes the money/banking in a modern way. The b lockchain is cool but can be much more useful with intelligence on top of it … ( to code on top of it )….therefore  Ethereum  is born….which is the blockchain based technology with one more extra important feature…which is smart contracts  which are coded with  Solidity  language. So what  Ethereum can do for you besides also creating the second hottest digital currency after bitcoin called ETH?  To give you an idea …scroll trough the front page of .   So the answer is  ….pretty much anything! You can run a company, service, ...

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